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Volunteers offering “Homecare Support Services”
to seniors living at home

Our Mission

Allows seniors aged 55 and over to remain in the comfort of their home by offering homecare support services provided free of charge by our volunteers.

Our Objectives

Support for vulnerable seniors

Maintaining the dignity of seniors at home

Safety and well-being for our beneficiaries.

The Côte-des-Neiges Volunteer Center (CBCDN) considers the protection of personal information of its beneficiaries, volunteers, and employees to be of the utmost importance, and to this end, declares compliance with Bill 25 as adopted by the Government of Quebec.

CBCDN forms required under Bill 25 on the protection of personal information are accessible upon request by contacting the responsible person for the protection of personal information.

Mme Le Binh Tran
Courriel: responsableloi25cdn@centrebenevolatcdn.org
Tel: 514-340-1072
Address: 116 - 5450 ch. de la Côte-des-Neiges

Template framework by Templatemonster.
Image fonts by Font Awesome.
Overall website work by TI Enterprise.